Author/Title |
Category |
Pages |
Adams, Douglas |
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, The |
Fiction |
215 |
Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The |
Fiction |
250 |
Apuleius |
Golden Ass, The |
Fiction |
240 |
Austen, Jane |
Pride and Prejudice |
Fiction |
345 |
Barrie, J. M. |
Peter and Wendy |
Fiction |
158 |
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens |
Fiction |
63 |
Beckett, Samuel |
Waiting for Godot |
Drama |
109 |
Bellamy, Edward |
Looking Backward |
Fiction |
197 |
Bester, Alfred |
Flowered Thundermug, The |
Fiction |
43 |
Men Who Murdered Mohammed, The |
Fiction |
14 |
Out of this World |
Fiction |
11 |
Pi Man, The |
Fiction |
18 |
They Dont Make Life Like They Used To |
Fiction |
36 |
Time is the Traitor |
Fiction |
24 |
Will You Wait? |
Fiction |
8 |
Caesar, Julius |
Civil War, The |
Fiction |
139 |
Gallic War, The |
Fiction |
222 |
Camus, Albert |
Adulterous Woman, The |
Fiction |
31 |
Artist at Work, The |
Fiction |
49 |
Fall, The |
Fiction |
147 |
Growing Stone, The |
Fiction |
56 |
Guest, The |
Fiction |
25 |
Happy Death, A |
Fiction |
167 |
Plague, The |
Fiction |
306 |
Renegade, The |
Fiction |
28 |
Silent Men, The |
Fiction |
23 |
Stranger, The |
Fiction |
121 |
Carroll, Lewis |
Alices Adventures in Wonderland |
Fiction |
97 |
Chekhov, Anton |
Cherry Orchard, The |
Drama |
56 |
On The High Road |
Drama |
23 |
Three Sisters |
Drama |
67 |
Uncle Vanya |
Drama |
49 |
Wedding, The |
Drama |
15 |
Chopin, Kate |
Awakening, The |
Fiction |
208 |
Clarke, Arthur C. |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
Fiction |
221 |
2010: Odyssey Two |
Fiction |
332 |
2061: Odyssey Three |
Fiction |
268 |
3001: The Final Odyssey |
Fiction |
235 |
City and the Stars, The |
Fiction |
253 |
Imperial Earth |
Fiction |
340 |
Confucius |
Analects, The |
Fiction |
80 |
Crichton, Michael |
Andromeda Strain |
Fiction |
283 |
Jurassic Park |
Fiction |
399 |
Lost World, The |
Fiction |
430 |
Terminal Man, The |
Fiction |
279 |
Dante |
Inferno |
Poetry |
185 |
Dostoevsky, Fyodor |
Dream of a Ridiculous Man, The |
Fiction |
22 |
Gambler, The |
Fiction |
149 |
Gentle Creature, A |
Fiction |
44 |
Notes from the Underground |
Fiction |
117 |
White Nights |
Fiction |
54 |
Eliot, George |
Brother Jacob |
Fiction |
44 |
Lifted Veil, The |
Fiction |
43 |
Flaubert, Gustave |
Herodias |
Fiction |
36 |
Legend of St. Julian Hospitator, The |
Fiction |
31 |
Simple Heart, A |
Fiction |
40 |
Forster, E. M. |
Room With a View, A |
Fiction |
241 |
Henry, O. |
Brickdust Row |
Fiction |
9 |
Enchanted Profile, The |
Fiction |
8 |
Furnished Room, The |
Fiction |
7 |
Last Leaf, The |
Fiction |
7 |
Schools and Schools |
Fiction |
11 |
Social Triangle, The |
Fiction |
6 |
Tobins Palm |
Fiction |
8 |
Herbert, Frank |
Dune |
Fiction |
489 |
Hesiod |
Theogony |
Fiction |
31 |
Works and Days |
Fiction |
24 |
Hesse, Hermann |
Siddhartha |
Fiction |
122 |
Homer |
Odyssey, The |
Fiction |
370 |
Huxley, Aldous |
Brave New World |
Fiction |
177 |
Ibsen, Henrik |
Dolls House, A |
Drama |
71 |
James, Henry |
Daisy Miller |
Fiction |
70 |
Kafka, Franz |
Metamorphosis, The |
Fiction |
56 |
Kant, Immanuel |
Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime |
Fiction |
72 |
Lawrence, D. H. |
Virgin and the Gipsy, The |
Fiction |
144 |
Machiavelli, Niccolo |
Prince, The |
Fiction |
88 |
Mann, Thomas |
Death in Venice |
Fiction |
71 |
Marx, Karl |
Communist Manifesto, The |
Fiction |
58 |
Milton, John |
Paradise Lost |
Poetry |
264 |
Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin |
Misanthrope, The |
Drama |
77 |
More, Thomas |
Utopia |
Fiction |
96 |
Nabokov, Vladimir |
Invitation to a Beheading |
Fiction |
213 |
Nietzsche, Friedrich W. |
Thus Spoke Zarathustra |
Fiction |
298 |
Twilight of the Idols |
Fiction |
81 |
Orwell, George |
1984 |
Fiction |
245 |
Animal Farm |
Fiction |
115 |
Petronius |
Satyricon |
Fiction |
148 |
Plato |
Apology |
Fiction |
33 |
Cratylus |
Fiction |
95 |
Crito |
Fiction |
17 |
Euthyphro |
Fiction |
21 |
Gorgias |
Fiction |
135 |
Meno |
Fiction |
43 |
Phaedo |
Fiction |
79 |
Protagoras |
Fiction |
64 |
Symposium |
Fiction |
72 |
Theaetetus |
Fiction |
117 |
Plutarch |
Lives: Crassus |
Fiction |
28 |
Poe, Edgar Allan |
Balloon Hoax, The |
Fiction |
14 |
Pit and the Pendulum, The |
Fiction |
16 |
Premature Burial, The |
Fiction |
14 |
Sagan, Carl |
Contact |
Fiction |
431 |
Sartre, Jean Paul |
Anti-Semite and Jew |
Fiction |
147 |
Childhood of a Leader, The |
Fiction |
61 |
Erostratus |
Fiction |
14 |
Intimacy |
Fiction |
29 |
No Exit |
Drama |
46 |
Respectful Prostitute, The |
Drama |
31 |
Room, The |
Fiction |
24 |
Wall, The |
Fiction |
17 |
Sheckley, Robert |
Dimension of Miracles |
Fiction |
190 |
Stevenson, Robert Louis |
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |
Fiction |
114 |
Sun-Tzu |
Art of Warfare, The |
Fiction |
70 |
Tacitus, Cornelius |
Agricola, The |
Fiction |
49 |
Germania, The |
Fiction |
41 |
Histories, The |
Fiction |
249 |
Tolstoy, Leo |
Death of Ivan Ilyich, The |
Fiction |
100 |
Turgenev, Ivan |
Fathers and Sons |
Fiction |
245 |
First Love |
Fiction |
107 |
Month in the Country, A |
Drama |
133 |
Verne, Jules |
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea |
Fiction |
371 |
From the Earth to the Moon |
Fiction |
185 |
Journey to the Centre of the Earth |
Fiction |
217 |
Mysterious Island, The |
Fiction |
498 |
Voltaire |
Candide |
Fiction |
100 |
Micromegas |
Fiction |
21 |
Zadig |
Fiction |
78 |
Wells, H. G. |
First Men in the Moon, The |
Fiction |
150 |
Invisible Man, The |
Fiction |
154 |
Time Machine, The |
Fiction |
115 |
War of the Worlds, The |
Fiction |
173 |
Wolfe, Bernard |
Limbo |
Fiction |
405 |
Wylie, Philip |
After Worlds Collide |
Fiction |
186 |
When Worlds Collide |
Fiction |
188 |